The Etsy Mentors Blog: Sellers Assisting Sellers

Cody the Computer Geek Mouse by TheHouseofMouse is a blog run by the Sellers Assisting Sellers Etsy Team (which I am a member of). It is an incredibly useful resource for both new and experienced sellers, with expert advice on all aspects of selling on etsy, including how to handle custom orders, how to take amazing photographs, and what to do after your first sale!

The purpose of Team SASsy is to provide advice and mentoring for other Etsy Sellers. In addition to running the Etsy Mentor blog, the team also conducts live critique sessions in the Etsy labs to help new sellers with individual feedback- check the Virtual Labs schedule for the next critique. You can also find a list of mentors categorised by areas of expertise on the blog if you need further help.

Blog Revamp!

Is Boo Radley Home? Fine art print by wondrousstrange

I'm afraid Best Etsy Blogs has been badly neglected for a very long time- so long that I have closed my old Etsy shops and opened a new one- Morphologica!

I will be bringing this blog back to life and sharing some of the great Etsy blogs out there- and I'll update the list of links at the bottom of this page now that I have a few more tricks up my sleeve ;)

Stay tuned.....